

  1. Olympics Photo of the Day: A Towering Light Show (www.theatlantic.com)
  2. Niall Ferguson, J. D. Vance, George Washington, and Jesus (statmodeling.stat.columbia.edu)
  3. Population age changes in the Pacific (freerangestats.info)
  4. Two job openings, one in New York on data visualization, one near Paris on Bayesian modeling (statmodeling.stat.columbia.edu)
  5. Biden Made a Healthy Decision (www.theatlantic.com)
  6. Kamala Harris’s Biggest Advantage (www.theatlantic.com)
  7. (This one’s important:) Looking Beyond the Obvious: Essentialism and abstraction as central to our reasoning and beliefs (statmodeling.stat.columbia.edu)
  8. When Storm Prep Is Left up to Citizens (www.theatlantic.com)
  9. Why I Buy German Toothpaste Now (www.theatlantic.com)
  10. Retirement Gets Harder the Longer You Wait (www.theatlantic.com)
  11. The “fail fast” principle in statistical computing (statmodeling.stat.columbia.edu)
  12. There Are No Good Options Left With Bird Flu (www.theatlantic.com)
  13. What do the data say about Kamala Harris’s electability? (statmodeling.stat.columbia.edu)
  14. Immune Booster #4: Human autoimmunity with Jane Buckner (www.microbe.tv)
  15. The piranha problem: Large effects swimming in a small pond (statmodeling.stat.columbia.edu)
  16. What to do with election forecasts after Biden is replaced on the ticket? Also something on prediction markets. (statmodeling.stat.columbia.edu)
  17. Put multiple graphs on a page: that’s what Nathan Yau says, and I agree. (statmodeling.stat.columbia.edu)
  18. TWiV 1133: Gain of function makes us safer (www.microbe.tv)
  19. Some books: The Good Word (1978), The Hitler Conspiracies (2020), In Defense of History (1999), The Book of the Month (1986), Slow Horses (2010), Freedom’s Dominion (2022), A Meaningful Life (1971) (statmodeling.stat.columbia.edu)
  20. TWiV 1132: Clinical update with Dr. Daniel Griffin (www.microbe.tv)
  21. How do you interpret standard errors from a regression fit to the entire population? (statmodeling.stat.columbia.edu)
  22. My comments on Nate Silver’s comments on the Fivethirtyeight election forecast (statmodeling.stat.columbia.edu)
  23. Polling averages and political forecasts and what do you really think is gonna happen in November? (statmodeling.stat.columbia.edu)
  24. How Risky Is COVID for an 81-Year-Old? (www.theatlantic.com)
  25. Bill James hangs up his hat. Also some general thoughts about book writing vs. blogging. Also I push back against James’s claim about sabermetrics and statistics. (statmodeling.stat.columbia.edu)
  26. The recent Iranian election: Should we be suspicious that the vote totals are all divisible by 3? (statmodeling.stat.columbia.edu)
  27. Google is violating the First Law of Robotics. (statmodeling.stat.columbia.edu)
  28. Immune Booster #3: NKT cells and cancer, and DEI in research with Tonya Webb (www.microbe.tv)
  29. A message to Christian Hesse, mathematician and author of chess books (statmodeling.stat.columbia.edu)
  30. “How bad are search results?” Dan Luu has some interesting thoughts: (statmodeling.stat.columbia.edu)
  31. TWiV 1131: Mootant influenza H5N1 virus (www.microbe.tv)
  32. “Our troops with aching hearts were obliged to fire a part of the town as a punishment.” (statmodeling.stat.columbia.edu)
  33. TWiV 1130: Clinical update with Dr. Daniel Griffin (www.microbe.tv)
  34. 19 ways of looking at data science at the singularity, from David Donoho and 17 others (statmodeling.stat.columbia.edu)
  35. The Sad Future of Grocery Shopping (www.theatlantic.com)
  36. Ancestor-worship in academia: Where does it happen? (statmodeling.stat.columbia.edu)
  37. I Went to Death Valley to Experience 129 Degrees (www.theatlantic.com)
  38. Maybe She’s Born With It. Maybe It’s Neurocosmetics. (www.theatlantic.com)
  39. Bayesian statistics: the three cultures (statmodeling.stat.columbia.edu)
  40. (Trying to) clear up a misunderstanding about decision analysis and significance testing (statmodeling.stat.columbia.edu)
  41. A guide to detecting AI-generated images, informed by experiments on people’s ability to detect them (statmodeling.stat.columbia.edu)
  42. Asthma Boulevard (www.theatlantic.com)
  43. Immune Booster #2: Sex differences in immune responses with Michal Tal (www.microbe.tv)
  44. The election is coming: What forecasts should we trust? (statmodeling.stat.columbia.edu)
  45. It’s $ time! How much should we charge for a link? (statmodeling.stat.columbia.edu)
  46. TWiV 1129: You never forget the first time you flu (www.microbe.tv)
  47. Cross validation and pointwise or joint measures of prediction accuracy (statmodeling.stat.columbia.edu)
  48. TWiV 1128: Clinical update with Dr. Daniel Griffin (www.microbe.tv)
  49. There Are Exceptionally Sharp Octogenarians. Biden Isn’t One. (www.theatlantic.com)
  50. The Silence Doctors Are Keeping About Millennial Deaths (www.theatlantic.com)
  51. You can guarantee that the term “statistical guarantee” will irritate me. Here’s why, and let’s go into some details. (statmodeling.stat.columbia.edu)
  52. “What do we need from a probabilistic programming language to support Bayesian workflow?” (statmodeling.stat.columbia.edu)
  53. Grappling with uncertainty in forecasting the 2024 U.S. presidential election (statmodeling.stat.columbia.edu)
  54. Joe Biden’s ‘Cognitive Fluctuations’ (www.theatlantic.com)
  55. “A Columbia Surgeon’s Study Was Pulled. He Kept Publishing Flawed Data.” . . . and it appears that he’s still at Columbia! (statmodeling.stat.columbia.edu)
  56. Immune Booster #1: From bench to bedside to beat HIV with Luis Montaner (www.microbe.tv)
  57. Obnoxious receipt from Spirit Airlines (statmodeling.stat.columbia.edu)
  58. Holes in Bayesian statistics (my talk tomorrow at the Bayesian conference, based on work with Yuling) (statmodeling.stat.columbia.edu)
  59. Swap Your Meat for Cheese (www.theatlantic.com)
  60. Interactive and Automated Data Analysis: thoughts from Di Cook, Hadley Wickham, Jessica Hullman, and others (statmodeling.stat.columbia.edu)
  61. The state of statistics in 1990 (statmodeling.stat.columbia.edu)
  62. TWiV 1127: Giving prions the (zinc) finger (www.microbe.tv)
  63. Toward a Shnerbian theory that establishes connections between the complexity (nonlinearity, chaotic dynamics, number of components) of a system and the capacity to infer causality from datasets (statmodeling.stat.columbia.edu)
  64. The Science of Pet Ownership Needs a Reality Check (www.theatlantic.com)
  65. TWiV 1126: Clinical update with Dr. Daniel Griffin (www.microbe.tv)
  66. It’s lumbar time: Wrong inference because of conditioning on a reasonable, but in this case false, assumption. (statmodeling.stat.columbia.edu)
  67. Marquand. (statmodeling.stat.columbia.edu)
  68. Last week’s summer school on probabilistic AI (statmodeling.stat.columbia.edu)
  69. A New Danger at America’s National Parks (www.theatlantic.com)
  70. Some solid criticisms of Ariely and Nudge—from 2012! (statmodeling.stat.columbia.edu)
  71. Immune 81: T cells and tolerance with Joseph Larkin III (www.microbe.tv)
  72. Edward Kennedy on the Facebook/Instagram 2020 election experiments (statmodeling.stat.columbia.edu)
  73. Forking paths in LLMs for data analysis (statmodeling.stat.columbia.edu)
  74. StanCon 2024: scholarships, sponsors, and other news (statmodeling.stat.columbia.edu)
  75. Pain Doesn’t Belong on a Scale of Zero to 10 (www.theatlantic.com)
  76. Forking paths and workflow in statistical practice and communication (statmodeling.stat.columbia.edu)
  77. Some fun basketball graphs (statmodeling.stat.columbia.edu)
  78. TWiV 1125: Can pig flu viruses go viral? (www.microbe.tv)
  79. Implicit assumptions in the Tversky/Kahneman example of the blue and green taxicabs (statmodeling.stat.columbia.edu)
  80. Triple-Digit Highs Can Be Misleading (www.theatlantic.com)
  81. TWiV 1124: Clinical update with Dr. Daniel Griffin (www.microbe.tv)
  82. Americans Have Lost the Plot on Cooking Oil (www.theatlantic.com)
  83. This is not an argument against self-citations. It’s an argument about how they should be counted. Also, a fun formula that expresses the estimated linear regression coefficient as a weighted average of local slopes. (statmodeling.stat.columbia.edu)
  84. Pervasive randomization problems, here with headline experiments (statmodeling.stat.columbia.edu)
  85. More on the disconnect between who voters support and what they support (statmodeling.stat.columbia.edu)
  86. What to do with age? (including a regression predictor linearly and also in discrete steps) (statmodeling.stat.columbia.edu)
  87. Americans With Food Allergies Are Getting a Bad Deal (www.theatlantic.com)
  88. In Stan, “~” should be called a “distribution statement,” not a “sampling statement.” (statmodeling.stat.columbia.edu)
  89. The New Calculus of Summer Workouts (www.theatlantic.com)
  90. The First Three Months (www.theatlantic.com)
  91. TWiV 1123: Europic 2024 in Jyväskylä, Finland (www.microbe.tv)
  92. TWiV 1122: Clinical update with Dr. Daniel Griffin (www.microbe.tv)
  93. The Secret Code of Pickup Basketball (www.theatlantic.com)
  94. TWiV Special: How the pandemic began in Nature, in 5 key points (www.microbe.tv)
  95. TWiV 1121: SARS-CoV2 still didn't come from a lab (www.microbe.tv)
  96. TWiV 1120: Clinical update with Dr. Daniel Griffin (www.microbe.tv)
  97. TWiV 1119: Gene editing latent herpes (www.microbe.tv)
  98. TWiV 1118: Clinical update with Dr. Daniel Griffin (www.microbe.tv)